The Alumni Way - Maria Gallo


€22 including postage within Ireland

(RRP £19.99 Stg)

Are you a college or university graduate? Do you support students looking ahead to life after graduation? Are you curious about how your alumni network can benefit your life? Does the alumni strategy in your organization need inspiration? This enlightening, original book re-imagines graduates’ alumni status as a gateway to immense opportunities through professional and personal networks. To discover this alumni potential, Maria L. Gallo guides you through the four key traits of the 'Alumni Way’: reflection, curiosity, passion and generosity. With a sound academic foundation, combined with practical activities and checklists, 'The Alumni Way' is the ultimate resource for inspiring savvy, active alumni citizens of the world.

Maria L. Gallo is the Founder of KITE and The Alumni Way Academy. An internationally renowned alumni scholar, Maria has held higher education leadership positions in Canada and Europe. She is currently a Visiting Research Fellow with the Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin.

ISBN: ‎ 9781447362807

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