Connolly: International Financial Accounting and Reporting, 6th Edition Revised


This seminal textbook by Ciaran Connolly, a leading academic with an extensive background in accountancy practice, is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills to appraise underlying accounting concepts and apply extant international accounting standards.

Designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills to appraise underlying accounting concepts and apply extant International Accounting Standards (IASs) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) this revised 6th edition has been fully updated to reflect the requirements of all IASs and IFRSs extant at 31 March 2023. It includes questions and extensive worked examples on these standards and, innovatively, highlights key differences between IASs/IFRSs and FRS 102 The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland .

International Financial Accounting and Reporting is particularly suitable for the intermediate and advanced levels of undergraduate accounting degree programmes, together with postgraduate and professional courses.

Key features of the 6th Edition(Revised) include:

  • consideration of the implications of FRS 102 (issued in January 2022);

  • discussion of accounting and professional ethics (with related questions and solutions);

  • the adoption of IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customersand IFRS 16 Leases;

  • eight chapters that deal comprehensively and specifically with accounting for business combinations;

  • separate chapters addressing issues such as the accounting treatment of financial instruments, employee benefits and share-based payments.

Format: Paperback, 1,112 pages
Published: July 2023

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This seminal textbook by Ciaran Connolly, a leading academic with an extensive background in accountancy practice, is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills to appraise underlying accounting concepts and apply extant international accounting standards.

Designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills to appraise underlying accounting concepts and apply extant International Accounting Standards (IASs) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) this revised 6th edition has been fully updated to reflect the requirements of all IASs and IFRSs extant at 31 March 2023. It includes questions and extensive worked examples on these standards and, innovatively, highlights key differences between IASs/IFRSs and FRS 102 The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland .

International Financial Accounting and Reporting is particularly suitable for the intermediate and advanced levels of undergraduate accounting degree programmes, together with postgraduate and professional courses.

Key features of the 6th Edition(Revised) include:

  • consideration of the implications of FRS 102 (issued in January 2022);

  • discussion of accounting and professional ethics (with related questions and solutions);

  • the adoption of IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customersand IFRS 16 Leases;

  • eight chapters that deal comprehensively and specifically with accounting for business combinations;

  • separate chapters addressing issues such as the accounting treatment of financial instruments, employee benefits and share-based payments.

Format: Paperback, 1,112 pages
Published: July 2023

This seminal textbook by Ciaran Connolly, a leading academic with an extensive background in accountancy practice, is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills to appraise underlying accounting concepts and apply extant international accounting standards.

Designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills to appraise underlying accounting concepts and apply extant International Accounting Standards (IASs) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) this revised 6th edition has been fully updated to reflect the requirements of all IASs and IFRSs extant at 31 March 2023. It includes questions and extensive worked examples on these standards and, innovatively, highlights key differences between IASs/IFRSs and FRS 102 The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland .

International Financial Accounting and Reporting is particularly suitable for the intermediate and advanced levels of undergraduate accounting degree programmes, together with postgraduate and professional courses.

Key features of the 6th Edition(Revised) include:

  • consideration of the implications of FRS 102 (issued in January 2022);

  • discussion of accounting and professional ethics (with related questions and solutions);

  • the adoption of IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customersand IFRS 16 Leases;

  • eight chapters that deal comprehensively and specifically with accounting for business combinations;

  • separate chapters addressing issues such as the accounting treatment of financial instruments, employee benefits and share-based payments.

Format: Paperback, 1,112 pages
Published: July 2023